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Learn to Skate 

The Learn to Skate program is designed for beginners ages 4 and up.    Lessons are given in a group format and led by NCCP certified professional coaches. Professional coaches are assisted by trained Program Assistants. The Russell Skating Club is proud to offer 3 Learn to Skate programs CanSkate, Advance CanSkate, and Adult CanSkate.  


***Participants must be 4 years old by December 31, 2024.


Program Information


Skate Canada's flagship learn-to-skate program is designed for beginners of all ages. CanSkate is our entry-level program where basic skating skills are taught to children, youths and adults. After mastering the basics there are the options of Advance CanSkate for skaters at Stage 4 and up in the CanSkate program. No previous experience is required.  New skaters to us will be assessed and grouped on the first day. 



Advance CanSkate

A program for skaters who are working on Level 4 badges or above and who wish to gain more experience in the fundamentals of figure skating. After the completion of Stage 6 in the CanSkate program we offer STARSkate   



Adult Learn to Skate

A program for adults who always wanted to learn how to skate. The program is designed to allow each participant to learn at their own pace while following and completing the CanSkate program.


Adult Skate for Life

This class is intended for individuals who have some skating experience or would like to work on more advanced skating skills. The program is designed to allow each participant to learn at their own pace while following and completing the skating program.




Curious about the new CanSkate Program?
Have a look at this article from Skate Canada.